Detailed Dimensions of Shanks and Sockets


Detailed Dimensions of Shanks and Sockets
No. of Taper (#) Plug Dia. at Small End Dia. at Gage Line SHANK Depth of Reamed Hole Standard Plug Design TANG TANG SLOT End of Socket to Tang Slot Taper per Inch (T/In.) Taper per Foot (T/Ft.)
Whole Length Depth Thickness Length Radius Dia. Radius Width Length
  P A B C N O D E F G H J K L    
0 .252 .356 2-11/32 2-7/32 2-1/32 2 .156 1/4 5/32 15/64 3/64 .166 9/16 1-15/16 .052000 .62400
1 .369 .475 2-9/16 2-7/16 2-5/32 2-1/8 .203 3/8 3/16 11/32 3/64 .213 3/4 2-1/16 .049882 .59858
2 .572 .700 3-1/8 2-15/16 2-39/64 2-9/16 .250 7/16 1/4 17/32 1/16 .260 7/8 2-1/2 .049951 .59941
3 .778 .938 3-7/8 3-11/16 3-1/4 3-3/16 .312 9/16 9/32 23/32 5/64 .322 1-3/16 1-3/16 .050196 .60235
4 1.020 1.231 4-7/8 4-5/8 4-1/8 4-1/16 .469 5/8 5/16 31/32 3/32 .479 1-1/4 3-7/8 .051938 .62326
5 1.475 1.748 6-1/8 5-7/8 5-1/4 5-3/16 .625 3/4 3/8 1-13/32 1/8 .635 1-1/2 4-15/16 .052626 .63151
6 2.116 2.494 8-9/16 8-1/4 7-21/64 7-1/4 .750 1-1/8 1/2 2 5/32 .760 1-3/4 7 .052137 .62565
7 2.750 3.270 11-5/8 11-1/4 10-5/64 10 1.125 1-3/8 3/4 2-5/8 3/16 1.135 2-5/8 9-1/2 .052000 .62400
# P A B C N O D E F G H J K L T/In. T/Ft.
*4 .3500 .4023 1-3/4 1-21/32 1-3/8 1-1/4 7/32 11/32 5/16 .320 .050 .228 11/16 1-13/64 .0419 .5024
*5 .4500 .5231 2-9/32 2-3/16 1-7/8 1-3/4 1/4 3/8 5/16 .420 .060 .260 3/4 1-11/16 .0418 .5016
*6 .5000 .5996 2-31/32 2-7/8 2-1/2 2-3/8 9/32 7/16 5/16 .460 .060 .291 7/8 2-19/64 .0419 .5033
7 .6000 .7254 3-5/8 3-17/32 3-1/8 3 5/16 15/32 3/8 .560 .070 .322 15/16 2-29/32 .0418 .5015
8 .7500 .8987 4-1/4 4-1/8 3-11/16 3-9/16 11/32 1/2 3/8 .710 .080 .353 1 3-29/64 .0418 .5010
9 .9001 1.0670 4-3/4 4-5/8 4-1/8 4 3/8 9/16 7/16 .860 .100 .385 1-1/8 3-7/8 .0417 .5008
10 1.0446 1.2892 6-17/32 6-13/32 5-13/16 5-11/16 7/16 21/32 7/16 1.010 .110 .447 1-5/16 5-17/32 .0430 .5161
11 1.2500 1.5318 7-19/32 7-15/32 6-7/8 6-3/4 7/16 21/32 1/2 1.210 .130 .447 1-5/16 6-19/32 .0418 .5010
12 1.5001 1.7968 8-1/16 7-15/16 7-1/4 7-1/8 1/2 3/4 1/2 1.460 .150 .510 1-1/2 6-15/16 .0416 .4997
13 1.7500 2.0730 8-11/16 8-9/16 7-7/8 7-3/4 1/2 3/4 5/8 1.710 .170 .510 1-1/2 7-9/16 .0417 .5002
14 2.0000 2.3437 9-9/32 9-5/32 8-3/8 8-1/4 9/16 27/32 3/4 1.960 .190 .572 1-11/16 8-1/32 .0417 .5000
15 2.2500 2.6146 9-25/32 9-21/32 8-7/8 8-3/4 9/16 27/32 7/8 2.210 .210 .572 1-11/16 8-17/32 .0417 .5000
16 2.5000 2.8854 10-3/8 10-1/4 9-3/8 9-1/4 5/8 15/16 1 2.450 .230 .635 1-/7/8 9 .0417 .5000
17 2.7500 3.1562 - - 9-7/8 9-3/4 - - - - - - - - .0417 .5000
18 3.0000 3.4271 - - 10-3/8 10-1/4 - - - - - - - - .0417 .5000